Fri, 10:32 - Race 3A - Yr 7 B 2 minutes

1.MMCYaried Alem278m(1)530m(1)
Mount St Mary's Catholic high school 278m252m37.0 spm
2.VYARowan Turnbull266m(2)509m(2)-21m
Vale of York Academy 266m243m36.9 spm
2.BSALeo French260m(5)509m(2)-21m
Boston Spa Academy (TGAT) 260m249m43.0 spm
4.TLAHudson Archer264m(3)500m(4)-30m
Tong Leadership Academy 264m237m35.4 spm
5.TMAGeorge Ridge264m(3)495m(5)-35m
The Morley Academy (TGAT) 264m231m35.2 spm
6.VYAHenry Tong246m(6)474m(6)-56m
Vale of York Academy 246m228m47.4 spm
7.MMCDaniel Gebrehiwot246m(6)466m(7)-64m
Mount St Mary's Catholic high school 246m220m38.0 spm
8.FAEthan Brier243m(8)462m(8)-68m
The Farnley Academy (TGAT) 243m219m37.5 spm
9.JSAAlfie Brignall234m(11)460m(9)-70m
John Smeaton Academy (TGAT) 234m227m34.5 spm
10.TALDamario Hylton-Hussain243m(8)454m(10)-76m
Trinity Academy Leeds 243m212m37.9 spm
11.TALNathan Greenough233m(12)446m(11)-84m
Trinity Academy Leeds 233m213m50.7 spm
11.VYACharlie Green241m(10)446m(11)-84m
Vale of York Academy 241m205m46.7 spm
13.TALBest Edenene223m(14)435m(13)-95m
Trinity Academy Leeds 223m212m41.5 spm
14.BAAlfie Burrows221m(18)426m(14)-104m
Bruntcliffe Academy (TGAT) 221m205m41.0 spm
14.JSACain Dominy224m(13)426m(14)-104m
John Smeaton Academy 224m203m41.5 spm
16.BAHarrison Hinchcliffe222m(16)425m(16)-105m
Bruntcliffe Academy (TGAT) 222m204m32.0 spm
17.BGSFinlay Thompson221m(18)421m(17)-109m
Bradford Grammar School 221m201m43.0 spm
18.JSAFreddie Ellington216m(20)419m(18)-111m
John Smeaton Academy 216m204m41.9 spm
19.BAKamil Kosmala223m(14)416m(19)-114m
Bruntcliffe Academy (TGAT) 223m194m43.5 spm
19.TMANoah Ashlee222m(16)416m(19)-114m
The Morley Academy (TGAT) 222m195m33.9 spm
21.JSANoah Ward210m(22)407m(21)-123m
John Smeaton Academy (TGAT) 210m197m44.0 spm
22.FAAyrton Curran210m(22)402m(22)-128m
The Farnley Academy (TGAT) 210m192m36.4 spm
23.RGAGabriel Abbas212m(21)401m(23)-129m
The Ruth Gorse Academy (TGAT) 212m189m36.9 spm
24.TACDarren Kibonge196m(28)396m(24)-134m
Trinity Academy Cathedral 196m201m32.5 spm
25.JSAOliver Walton209m(24)392m(25)-138m
John Smeaton Academy (TGAT) 209m184m37.9 spm
26.TLAKristers Talbergs202m(26)385m(26)-145m
Tong Leadership Academy 202m183m47.1 spm
27.OACFKaden Larkin200m(27)384m(27)-146m
Outwood Academy City Fields 200m184m41.4 spm
27.JSAMason-Joe Redmond206m(25)384m(27)-146m
John Smeaton Academy (TGAT) 206m178m39.3 spm
CCSMason Burton did not start
Cockburn Calvert 
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