Sat, 16:04 - Race 45 - Championship 1x Time Trial

fastest 8 => FA, 9 - 16 => FB, 17 - 24 => FC, 25 - 32 => FD, other => FE

TWKMatt Brigham[363]
 Twickenham Rowing Club A
WNCMarcus Chute[364]
 Windsorian, The, Rowing Club A
LDRMarco Misasi[365]
 Leander Club A
CNNWilliam Young[366]
 Cambridge 99 Rowing Club
LDRJacob Ioras[367]
 Leander Club D
EHUDaniel Jones[368]
 Edinburgh University Boat Club
WRCChristopher Revell[369]
 Wallingford Rowing Club B
ZAMBDamien Schroder[370]
 Melbourne University Boat Club, Australia
LDRJohn keating[371]
 Leander Club B
COXJames Scott[372]
 City of Oxford Rowing Club
WLTRakan Alireza[373]
 Walton Rowing Club A
EXESam Gater[374]
 Exeter Rowing Club Ltd
WLTMahmood Numan[376]
 Walton Rowing Club B
WRCSam Chard[377]
 Wallingford Rowing Club A
RDUDaniel Oakeley[378]
 Reading University Boat Club C
LRCDara Alexander Alizadeh[379]
 London Rowing Club A
MBCStephen Cox[380]
 Molesey Boat Club B
TRCArun Jackson[381]
 Thames Rowing Club A
LDRStephen Hughes[382]
 Leander Club C
YRKDavid McNeill[383]
 York City Rowing Club
HERJoshua Lomas[385]
 Hereford Rowing Club
 Reading University Boat Club B
UKAOliver Stephens[387]
 UK Armed Forces Rowing Club
LEAMax Raymond-Barker[388]
 Lea Rowing Club
USUIanto Brewer[389]
 University of Surrey Boat Club
WNCKieran Hennessy-Hunt[390]
 Windsorian, The, Rowing Club C
UYOChristopher Heseltine[391]
 University of York Boat Club
BRAChris Thomas[392]
 Bristol Ariel Rowing Club
NRCJoe Palmer[393]
 Nottingham Rowing Club B
WNCBen Liddell[394]
 Windsorian, The, Rowing Club B
NRCAlex Clack[395]
 Nottingham Rowing Club C
MBCPhillip Sturley[396]
 Molesey Boat Club X
UWSOliver Watson[397]
 Swansea University Rowing Club A

Sat, 19:21 - Race 69A - Championship 1x Final D

[3]BRAChris Thomas[392]
 Bristol Ariel Rowing Club
[4]UWSOliver Watson[397]
 Swansea University Rowing Club A
[5]WNCKieran Hennessy-Hunt[390]
 Windsorian, The, Rowing Club C
[6]WLTMahmood Numan[376]
 Walton Rowing Club B
[7]USUIanto Brewer[389]
 University of Surrey Boat Club

Sat, 19:27 - Race 70B - Championship 1x Final C

[1]UYOChristopher Heseltine[391]
 University of York Boat Club
[2]NRCAlex Clack[395]
 Nottingham Rowing Club C
[3]MBCPhillip Sturley[396]
 Molesey Boat Club X
[4]EXESam Gater[374]
 Exeter Rowing Club Ltd
[5]YRKDavid McNeill[383]
 York City Rowing Club
 Reading University Boat Club B
[7]NRCJoe Palmer[393]
 Nottingham Rowing Club B
[8]RDUDaniel Oakeley[378]
 Reading University Boat Club C

Sat, 19:33 - Race 71C - Championship 1x Final B

[1]TRCArun Jackson[381]
 Thames Rowing Club A
[2]WRCSam Chard[377]
 Wallingford Rowing Club A
[3]LEAMax Raymond-Barker[388]
 Lea Rowing Club
[4]LDRJohn keating[371]
 Leander Club B
[5]ZAMBDamien Schroder[370]
 Melbourne University Boat Club, Australia
[6]COXJames Scott[372]
 City of Oxford Rowing Club
[7]WRCChristopher Revell[369]
 Wallingford Rowing Club B
[8]HERJoshua Lomas[385]
 Hereford Rowing Club

Sat, 19:39 - Race 72D - Championship 1x Final A

[1]TWKMatt Brigham[363]
 Twickenham Rowing Club A
[2]MBCStephen Cox[380]
 Molesey Boat Club B
[3]CNNWilliam Young[366]
 Cambridge 99 Rowing Club
[4]EHUDaniel Jones[368]
 Edinburgh University Boat Club
[5]WNCMarcus Chute[364]
 Windsorian, The, Rowing Club A
[6]LDRMarco Misasi[365]
 Leander Club A
[7]LRCDara Alexander Alizadeh[379]
 London Rowing Club A
[8]UKAOliver Stephens[387]
 UK Armed Forces Rowing Club
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