Mon, 12:05 PM - Race 24 - Op J15 1x Time Trial

6 fastest => FA, 7 - 12 => FB

WESFelix Koelsch[433]
 Westminster School Boat Club A
HINLewie Harris[434]
 Hinksey Sculling School A
WESJoshua Liau[435]
 Westminster School Boat Club B
WBSElliot Whitehorn[436]
 Windsor Boys School, The, Boat Club D
BEBHarry Goodwin[437]
 Bewl Bridge Rowing Club B
WRCSeth Conway[438]
 Wallingford Rowing Club
BEBJack Elms[439]
 Bewl Bridge Rowing Club A
Ethan Mecham[441]
 Brentford Boat Club B
EXEOliver Johnson[443]
 Exeter Rowing Club Ltd A
BRGLeo Makinson Gurr[444]
 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club A
BEDLouie Balen[445]
 Bedford Rowing Club Ltd
TRFSamuel Crosby[446]
 Trafford Rowing Club
DATIsaac Hattersley[447]
 Dart Totnes Amateur Rowing Club A
ZAEZCorentin Breton[448]
 South African Schools Rowing Union A

Mon, 5:48 PM - Race 72R - Op J15 1x Final B

[2]WBSElliot Whitehorn[436]
 Windsor Boys School, The, Boat Club D
[3]BEBJack Elms[439]
 Bewl Bridge Rowing Club A
[4]WRCSeth Conway[438]
 Wallingford Rowing Club
[5]BEDLouie Balen[445]
 Bedford Rowing Club Ltd
[6]DATIsaac Hattersley[447]
 Dart Totnes Amateur Rowing Club A
[7]TRFSamuel Crosby[446]
 Trafford Rowing Club

Mon, 5:54 PM - Race 73S - Op J15 1x Final A

[2]HINLewie Harris[434]
 Hinksey Sculling School A
[3]EXEOliver Johnson[443]
 Exeter Rowing Club Ltd A
[4]ZAEZCorentin Breton[448]
 South African Schools Rowing Union A
[5]WESFelix Koelsch[433]
 Westminster School Boat Club A
[6]WESJoshua Liau[435]
 Westminster School Boat Club B
[7]BEBHarry Goodwin[437]
 Bewl Bridge Rowing Club B
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