土 15:05 - Race 5 - [013] Relay_B 2000 meter relay

[1]Contact with rowing GIRLS 2
[2]Contact with rowing Girls 1
[3]TsubataMINAMI Jr high school A
[4]TsubataMINAMI Jr high school B
[6]Team Blaze
[10]YJR Blue
[11]YJR Red
[13]DNS Crew JINZU
[14]Seta Rowing Club
[15]Toyama University of International Studies
[16]RIKKYO Rowing women’s team
[18]Kansai Electric Power Co.,Inc.
[19]Team Toko Can
[20]Kimura Soutei Shudan
[22]Sendai university A
[23]Sendai university B
[24]Sendai university C
[25]RIKKYO Uni. Men’s team
[26]Toyama Univercity of International Studies B
[27]Spare RelayB3
[28]Spare RelayB4
[29]Spare RelayB5
[30]Spare RelayB6
[31]Spare RelayB7
[32]Spare RelayB8
[33]Spare RelayB9
[34]Spare RelayB10
[35]Spare RelayB11
[36]Spare RelayB12
[37]Spare RelayB13
[38]Spare RelayB14
[39]Spare RelayB15
[40]Spare RelayB16
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