Sat, 4:45 PM - Race 34 - [019] MHS2K 2000 meter 6

[2]BCRG McKeon
Brick City Rowing
[3]NBCG Giakouminakis
Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
[4]RCW Nasr
Ridgewood Crew Foundation
[5]SPPSP McLaughlin
St. Peters Preparatory School
[6]RNJW Qi
Row New Jersey
[7]SHPA GrossettI
Seton Hall Prep
[8]MHSC Phariss
Montclair High School
[9]RNJJ Nusbaum
Row New Jersey
[10]NBCC Rosenberg
Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
[11]MHSL Gagnon
Montclair High School
[12]NBCM Bednarz
Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
[13]NBCN Antich
Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
[14]RNJJ Craig
Row New Jersey
[15]SHPB Vyzas
Seton Hall Prep
[16]NBCC Gennardo
Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
[17]SPPSN Chang
St. Peters Preparatory School
[18]NBCV Ferullo
Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
[19]NBCK Cengiz
Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
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