Sat, 3:40 PM - Race 21 - [013] MHS 2000 meter

[1]MHST Pitera
Montclair High School
[2]UndineA Weaver
Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
[3]MHSA Brissman
Montclair High School
[4]RCI Darby
Ridgewood Crew Foundation
[5]BOSCOA Klar
Don Bosco Preparatory High School
[6]MHSG Lampe
Montclair High School
[7]BOSCON Poblete
Don Bosco Preparatory High School
[8]BOSCOG Van Blarcom-DeLuise
Don Bosco Preparatory High School
[9]BOSCOS Chang
Don Bosco Preparatory High School
[10]BOSCOH Finnegan
Don Bosco Preparatory High School
[11]BOSCOR McGovern
Don Bosco Preparatory High School
[12]MHSE Gutin
Montclair High School
[13]MHSG Harb
Montclair High School
[14]RCF Kamel
Ridgewood Crew Foundation
[15]MHSL Gagnon
Montclair High School
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