
University London BC/Imperial College BCLM 2-Heat 208:15[1]
Wilf Kimberley
Great Britain 2LW 2xHeat 109:30[6]
Emily Craig
Great Britain 1LW 2xHeat 209:37[3]
Charlotte Taylor
Great Britain 3LW 2xHeat 209:37[5]
Rosa Atkinson
University of London BC/NereusM 4-Heat 109:55[2]
Ertan Hazine
Durham University BCM 4-Heat 210:02[3]
William Mace
Hollingworth Lake RCW 1xHeat 211:05[1]
Jess Leyden
Clydesdale ARCW 1xHeat 411:15[3]
Claire McKeown
Loughborough Students RCM 1xHeat 111:25[4]
Ed Couldwell
Cardiff UniversityM 1xHeat 111:25[5]
Tom Barras
Great Britain 3LW 2xFinal B 11:50[3]
Rosa Atkinson
Great Britain 2LW 2xFinal B 11:50[4]
Emily Craig
University London BC/Imperial College BCLM 2-Final A 13:25[5]
Wilf Kimberley
Durham University BCBM 2xFinal A 14:25[4]
Barney Stentiford
Great Britain 1LW 2xFinal A 15:00[3]
Charlotte Taylor
Durham University BCM 2xFinal A 15:22[4]
Barney Stentiford
University of London BC/NereusM 4-Final A 15:45[1]
Ertan Hazine
Durham University BCM 4-Final A 15:45[5]
William Mace
Great BritainW 4xFinal A 16:20[5]
Ellie Lewis
Sabrina/Leander/Molesey/Aberdeen/Robert GordonBM 8+Final A 16:35[3]
Lewis McCue
Hollingworth Lake RCW 1xRepechage 117:15[4]
Jess Leyden
Clydesdale ARCW 1xRepechage 317:25[4]
Claire McKeown
Loughborough Students RCM 1xRepechage 117:35[1]
Ed Couldwell
Cardiff UniversityM 1xRepechage 117:35[3]
Tom Barras


Leander ClubLM 1xHeat 308:25[1]
Jamie Copus
University of London BC/NereusM 4-Heat 108:40[5]
Ertan Hazine
University of London BC/Imperial College BCLM 2-Heat 208:55[1]
Wilf Kimberley
Isle of Ely RC/Putney Town RCLW 2xHeat 209:05[3]
Charlotte Taylor
Sabrina/Leander/Molesey/Aberdeen/Robert GordonM 8+Heat 110:10[1]
Lewis McCue
Clydesdale ARCW 1xFinal D 10:40[2]
Claire McKeown
Hollingworth Lake RCW 1xSemifinal A/B 111:20[6]
Jess Leyden
Cardiff UniversityM 1xSemifinal A/B 211:42[1]
Tom Barras
Leander ClubLM 1xFinal A 13:37[3]
Jamie Copus
University of London BC/NereusM 4-Final A 14:00[2]
Ertan Hazine
University of London BC/Imperial College BCLM 2-Final A 14:15[3]
Wilf Kimberley
Isle of Ely RC/Putney Town RCLW 2xFinal A 14:30[3]
Charlotte Taylor
Hollingworth Lake RCW 1xFinal B 15:25[1]
Jess Leyden
Cardiff UniversityM 1xFinal B 15:50[1]
Tom Barras
Sabrina/Leander/Molesey/Aberdeen/Robert GordonM 8+Final A 17:15[3]
Lewis McCue
London/Imperial/Newcastle/BorlaseLW 4xFinal A 17:22[2]
Ellie Lewis