Water events map
To view the Water event submissions on a map, visit https://rowingtracker.com/hocr/2020

[011] M30+ 4702 meter

1.MerseyIain Fawcett15:12.7(1)
Mersey Rowing Club 
2.TUKGavin Loudfoot15:26.3(2)+13.6
Tuck School Rowing Club 
3.Unaff.Brett Newlin15:28.5(3)+15.8
Unaffiliated (USA) 
4.RCRCBenjamin Rogers16:03.9(4)+51.2
River City Rowing Club 
5.UWAlumColin Phillips16:17.7(5)+1:05.0
University of Washington Alumni 
6.CFNYRobert Carson16:25.0(6)+1:12.3
Concept Fitness 
7.WRRAAdrian Nino de Rivera16:33.5(7)+1:20.8
Western Reserve Rowing Association 
8.NoblesBlair Crawford16:46.1(8)+1:33.4
Noble & Greenough School 
9.GMUAJon Barrett16:54.6(9)+1:41.9
George Mason University Alumni 
10.IonaCJohn Boyd17:12.7(10)+2:00.0
Iona College Crew 
11.Unaff.Dave Jenkins17:25.7(11)+2:13.0
Unaffiliated (USA) 
12.Unaff.Ben Dixon17:47.9(12)+2:35.2
Unaffiliated (USA) 
13.Unaff.Erik West17:59.6(13)+2:46.9
Unaffiliated (USA) 
14.Unaff.Neil Fleishman18:05.8(14)+2:53.1
Unaffiliated (USA) 
15.Unaff.Russell Graham18:34.7(15)+3:22.0
Unaffiliated (AFG) 
16.ARCBrook Caro18:44.4(16)+3:31.7
O.A.R.S., Inc. dba Albany Rowing Center 
17.Unaff.Craig Pfizenmaier18:46.9(17)+3:34.2
Unaffiliated (USA) 
18.AARCLouis Breskman18:47.0(18)+3:34.3
Ann Arbor Rowing Club 
19.Unaff.Stephen Terry18:50.0(19)+3:37.3
Unaffiliated (USA) 
20.ARCAndrew Beard19:47.8(20)+4:35.1
Alfred Rowing Club 
21.KRGChristoph Kotowski-Knuettgen19:59.2(21)+4:46.5
Koelner Rudergesellschaft 1891 e. V. 
22.CBCBracknell Baker20:41.0(22)+5:28.3
Cambridge Boat Club 
23.DUCTJames Pater22:02.0(23)+6:49.3
Aqueduct Rowing Club 
Unaff.Matthew Love--
Unaffiliated (USA) 
Unaff.Andy McLaughlin--
Unaffiliated (USA) 
Unaff.Ap Mariani--
Unaffiliated (USA) 
NoblesDaniel Reid--
Noble & Greenough School 
KSCFHunter Hoffman--
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