Water events map
To view the Water event submissions on a map, visit https://rowingtracker.com/hocr/2020

[020] W (Participatory Erg) 4702 meter

1.Unaff.Anna Brown18:15.3(1)
Unaffiliated (USA) 
2.RBCAnnalise Routenberg18:23.0(2)+7.7
Riverside Boat Club 
3.HRVictoria McGee18:53.6(3)+38.3
The Hotchkiss School Rowing 
4.Unaff.Carolyn Kurle19:34.3(4)+1:19.0
Unaffiliated (USA) 
5.LMRCStephanie Collins19:35.4(5)+1:20.1
Lake Merritt Rowing Club 
6.CBCPriscilla Livingston19:36.9(6)+1:21.6
Cambridge Boat Club 
7.Unaff.Lena Kheir21:06.5(7)+2:51.2
Unaffiliated (USA) 
8.RowRideColleen McClelland21:26.0(8)+3:10.7
Row & Ride 
9.Unaff.Georgia Piatt21:27.0(9)+3:11.7
Unaffiliated (USA) 
10.AKRCAntoinette Hage21:38.4(10)+3:23.1
Auriol Kensington Rowing Club 
11.Unaff.Mary Kosanke23:54.5(11)+5:39.2
Unaffiliated (USA) 
RowRideCara Gaziano--
Row & Ride 
CRSAngelica Flores Rodriguez--
Club de Remo Santiago, A.C. 
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