
March 6, 2021

10:00 AM1M 2000 meterofficial
10:20 AM2N, Nk/k, U23N 2000 meterofficial
10:40 AM3Mk/k, U23M 2000 meterofficial
11:00 AM4PA 2000 meterofficial
11:20 AM5TA 2000 meterofficial
11:40 AM6PB 2000 meterofficial
12:00 PM7TB 2000 meterofficial
12:20 PM8PC 1000 meterofficial
12:40 PM9TC 1000 meterofficial
1:00 PM10M30+, M40+, M50+, M60+, M70+ 2000 meterofficial
1:20 PM11N30+, N40+, N50+, N60+ 2000 meterofficial
1:40 PM12PR1+PR2 M, PR3 M, PR N 2000 meterofficial
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