sáb, 12:15 - Race 12 - SS23F, SPLF, SAF, SPRF 250 meter

1.Josefina Becu ZampetasSS23F00:48,8(1)
C.D.B.Madrid Velocidad 00:48,844.0 spm
2.Antonella De La Fuente Chávez RamosSS23F00:50,0(2)+1,2
C.D.B.Madrid Velocidad 00:50,044.0 spm
3.Tzipporah Brooks MoehringerSS23F00:50,1(3)+1,3
C.D.B.Madrid Velocidad 00:50,138.0 spm
4.Clara StefanelliSPLF00:52,4(4)+3,6
C.D.B.Madrid Velocidad 00:52,437.0 spm
5.Mercedes Martinez SalcinesSAF00:54,8(5)+6,0
Club de Remo San Pantaleon 00:54,840.0 spm
6.M Jesús Medrano GonzalezSPLF00:55,3(6)+6,5
Club de Remo San Pantaleon 00:55,336.0 spm
7.M Dolores Rodríguez GómezSPLF00:56,7(7)+7,9
Club de Remo San Pantaleon 00:56,738.0 spm
8.Lorena Rodriguez SalasSPLF00:56,9(8)+8,1
C.D.B.Madrid Velocidad 00:56,938.0 spm
9.Caren Janise CamisciaSAF00:57,6(9)+8,8
C.D.B.Madrid Velocidad 00:57,643.0 spm
10.Claudia Muñoz FresquetSPLF00:57,7(10)+8,9
C.D.B.Madrid Velocidad 00:57,744.0 spm
11.Gema Exposito EgurenSAF01:00,2(11)+11,4
Club de Remo San Pantaleon 01:00,235.0 spm
12.Patricia Navarro GuerreroSPRF01:00,3(12)+11,5
C.D.B.Madrid Velocidad 01:00,336.0 spm
13.Susana Velasco SolanaSPLF01:04,8(13)+16,0
Club de Remo San Pantaleon 01:04,840.0 spm
14.Almudena De La Osa CastroSPRF01:06,8(14)+18,0
C.D.B.Madrid Velocidad 01:06,834.0 spm
Josefa Benitez GuzmanSPRFdid not start
Reial Club Marítim de Barcelona 
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