sáb, 18:45 - Race 15 - SS23M, SPLM, SAM 500 meter

1.Luis Miguel Escourido García SouzaSAM01:22,9(1)
Centro Deportivo Mariñeiro De Mera 01:22,9
2.Aitor BeitiaSAM01:24,8(2)+1,9
Ur-Kirolak 01:24,840.0 spm
3.Rodrigo Ben Da SilvaSAM01:25,3(3)+2,4
Reial Club Maritim De Barcelona 01:25,346.0 spm
4.Alberto Díaz DelgadoSAM01:26,3(4)+3,4
Real Club Maritim De Barcelona 01:26,345.0 spm
5.Alexandre Cases SorribesSPLM01:27,5(5)+4,6
Reial Club Maritim De Barcelona 01:27,554.0 spm
6.Alejandro Boada De SousaSS23M01:32,9(6)+10,0
Club De Remo San Pantaleon 01:32,945.0 spm
7.Diego Alonso GonzalezSS23M01:33,9(7)+11,0
Club De Remo San Pantaleon 01:33,950.0 spm
8.José Antonio Camacho IborraSS23M01:35,6(8)+12,7
Cdb Madrid Velocidad 01:35,644.0 spm
9.Julián BarraleSPLM01:40,2(9)+17,3
Cdb Madrid Velocidad 01:40,253.0 spm
10.Juan José López JiménezSAM01:46,4(10)+23,5
Independiente 01:46,439.0 spm
Torres RaulSAMdid not start
Koxme Burutaran OlaizolaSS23Mdid not start
Kimetz Burutaran OlaizolaSS23Mdid not start
Raspas Del Embarcadero 
Asier LarrazabalSS23Mdid not start
Raspas Del Embarcadero 
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