[031] SJF (500 meters) 500 meter

1.Danae Mariana Supo Yika01:44,4(1)
CDB Madrid Velocidad 01:44,438.0 spm
1.Maria Romeo Vicente01:44,4(1)
Centro Natacion Helios 01:44,445.0 spm
3.Raquel Ruiz Gonzalez01:45,1(3)+0,7
C.R.San Pantaleon 01:45,135.0 spm
4.Isabel Tovar Godoy01:47,0(4)+2,6
Centro Natacion Helios 01:47,050.0 spm
5.Aitana Sanchez Pombo01:47,9(5)+3,5
CDR Arriluze de Getxo 01:47,941.0 spm
6.Judit Estrada Regidor01:49,4(6)+5,0
CDR Arriluze de Getxo 01:49,441.0 spm
7.Sandra Diez Garcia01:53,9(7)+9,5
Centro Natacion Helios 01:53,940.0 spm
Lia Gaztañazpi Peredadid not start
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