Sat, 8:35 am - Race 6 - 50-59 M PR3, 60-64 M, 70-74 ML, 75-79 M, 75-79 ML, 85+ ML, Under 16 M 500 meter

[1]Paul Edwards50-59 M PR3
Sunshine Coast Indoor Rowing Club
[2]Shaun Murphy60-64 M
[3]Paul Saffigna75-79 M
[4]John Cox75-79 M
Centenary Rowing Club
[5]Brad Hall60-64 M
Griffith University Surfers Paradsise Rowing Club
[6]Peter Hayes70-74 ML
Centenary rowing club
[7]David Berry75-79 M
[8]Gwynn Davies75-79 ML
[10]China Johnson85+ ML
Sunshine Coast Indoor Rowing Club
[12]Cameron DudgellUnder 16 M
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