
25 October 2020

9:00 am1Under 16 M, 40-49 M, 30-39 M, 50-54 M, 55-59 ML, 70-74 M 2000 meterofficial
9:15 am240-49 W, 50-54 W, 60-64 W, 65-69 WL, 70-74 W 2000 meterofficial
9:50 am340-49 M, 50-54 M, 55-59 ML 1000 meterofficial
10:05 am440-49 WL, 60-64 W, 65-69 WL, 70-74 W 1000 meterofficial
10:20 am550-54 M, 60-64 M, 55-59 ML 500 meternot started yet
10:35 am640-49 W, 40-49 WL, 50-54 W, 60-64 W, 70-74 W 500 meterofficial
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