Sun, 11:05 am - Race 4 - 19-29 M, 40-49 ML, 40-49 M, 30-39 ML, 19-29 ML, 30-39 M 2000 meter

[1]Nicholas Waugh19-29 M
Nicholas Waugh
[2]James O'Connor30-39 M
James O'Connor
[3]Hamish Dale30-39 M
Hamish Dale
[4]Redmond Matthews19-29 ML
Redmond Matthews
[5]Tyson Popplestone30-39 ML
Tyson Popplestone
[6]Abhijit Chattaraj40-49 ML
Abhijit Chattaraj
[8]Jason Lai40-49 M
Jason Lai
[9]Matt Larkin40-49 M
Matt Larkin
[10]James Edmonds40-49 M
James Edmonds
[11]Phillip Guthrie40-49 M
Phillip Guthrie
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