Sun, 2:05 pm - Race 18 - 50-54 WL, 60-64 W, 55-59 W, 60-64 WL, 30-39 W PR1, 75-79 W 500 meter

1.Sally Hatcher60-64 W02:07.6(1)
Sally Hatcher 02:07.626.0 spm
2.Julie Dart60-64 W02:19.3(2)+11.7
Julie Dart 
3.Margaret Sheean75-79 W02:58.4(3)+50.8
Margaret Sheean 02:58.434.0 spm
Kathleen Hextell50-54 WL--
Kathleen Hextell 
Lisa Kendell55-59 W--
Lisa Kendell 
Rosemary Little30-39 W PR1--
Rosemary Little 
Fiona Wallace60-64 WL--
Fiona Wallace 
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