Sun, 12:34 pm - Race 18 - Under 19 W 500 meter Relay

[1]MLC 1
Ella Woolbank
[2]MLC 2
Emily Osborne
[3]MLC 3
Layla Hare
[4]MLC 1
Sophie Wilson
[5]Roseville College
Georgie Mcardle
[6]Roseville College
Zoe Crott
[7]MLC 4
Sophie Newby
[8]MLC 1
Sarah Carvolth
[9]MLC 4
Jacqueline Fleet
[10]MLC 4
Lily Smith
[11]MLC 4
Jasmine Fitch
[12]MLC 3
Sam Naayen
[13]MLC 3
Fiona Paterson
[14]Roseville College
Alex Brown
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